Show Memory Resources

Show the total Intel Optane persistent memory resource allocation across the host server.

ipmctl show [OPTIONS] -memoryresources



The following shows persistent memory module resource allocation from a system configured in 100% AppDirect mode:

$ ipmctl show -memoryresources
 MemoryType   | DDR         | PMemModule   | Total
 Volatile     | 381.500 GiB | 0.000 GiB    | 381.500 GiB
 AppDirect    | -           | 3024.000 GiB | 3024.000 GiB
 Cache        | 0.000 GiB   | -            | 0.000 GiB
 Inaccessible | 2.500 GiB   | 5.452 GiB    | 7.952 GiB
 Physical     | 384.000 GiB | 3029.452 GiB | 3413.452 GiB

Human Readable Output

Show persistent memory module resource allocation with human-readable output (MiB and TiB).

# ipmctl show -units MiB -memoryresources
 MemoryType   | DDR            | PMemModule      | Total
 Volatile     | 390656.000 MiB | 0.000 MiB       | 390656.000 MiB
 AppDirect    | -              | 3096576.000 MiB | 3096576.000 MiB
 Cache        | 0.000 MiB      | -               | 0.000 MiB
 Inaccessible | 2560.000 MiB   | 5583.000 MiB    | 8143.000 MiB
 Physical     | 393216.000 MiB | 3102159.000 MiB | 3495375.000 MiB

 # ipmctl show -units TiB -memoryresources
 MemoryType   | DDR       | PMemModule | Total
 Volatile     | 0.373 TiB | 0.000 TiB  | 0.373 TiB
 AppDirect    | -         | 2.953 TiB  | 2.953 TiB
 Cache        | 0.000 TiB | -          | 0.000 TiB
 Inaccessible | 0.002 TiB | 0.005 TiB  | 0.008 TiB
 Physical     | 0.375 TiB | 2.958 TiB  | 3.333 TiB

Return Data

  • Volatile DDR Capacity: Total DDR capacity that is used as volatile memory.

  • Volatile PMem module Capacity: Total PMem module capacity that is used as volatile memory.

  • Total Volatile Capacity: Total DDR and PMem module capacity that is used as volatile memory.

  • AppDirect PMem module Capacity: Total PMem module capacity used as persistent memory.

  • Total AppDirect Capacity: Total DDR and PMem module capacity used as persistent memory.

  • Cache DDR Capacity: Total DDR capacity used as a cache for PMem modules.

  • Total Cache Capacity: Total DDR capacity used as a cache for PMem modules.

  • Inaccessible DDR Capacity: Total DDR capacity that is inaccessible.

  • InaccessibleCapacity: Total system persistent memory capacity that is inaccessible due to any of:

    • Platform configuration prevents accessing this capacity. For example, MemoryCapacity is configured but MemoryMode is not enabled by platform FW (current Memory Mode is 1LM).

    • Capacity is inaccessible because it is not mapped into the System Physical Address space (SPA). This is usually due to platform firmware memory alignment requirements.

    • Persistent capacity that is reserved. This capacity is the persistent memory partition capacity (rounded down for alignment) less any App Direct capacity. Reserved capacity typically results from a Memory Allocation Goal request that specified the Reserved property. This capacity is not mapped to System Physical Address space (SPA).

    • Capacity that is unusable because it has not been configured.

    • PMem module configured capacity but SKU prevents usage. For example, AppDirectCapacity but PMem module SKU is MemoryMode only.

  • Total Inaccessible Capacity: Total capacity of DDR and PMem module that is inaccessible.

  • Physical DDR Capacity: Total physical DDR capacity populated on the platform.

  • Physical PMem module Capacity: Total physical PMem module capacity populated on the platform.

  • Total Physical Capacity: Total physical capacity populated on the platform.

Last updated

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