Module Discovery

Persistent memory modules are uniquely referenced by one of two IDs: DimmHandle or DimmUID. Either ID may be used for commands that utilize the -dimm flag to perform operations on a single module or set of modules. The default is to operate on all modules, which does not require the use of -dimm.

For example, each of the following are equivalent:

    $ ipmctl show -d DimmHandle,DimmUID -dimm 8089-a2-1748-00000001
    $ ipmctl show -d DimmHandle,DimmUID -dimm 0x0001
    $ ipmctl show -d DimmHandle,DimmUID -dimm 1

For simplicity, this document will primarily use DimmUID.

The -dimm option accepts a single DimmUID or a comma separated list of DimmUIDs to filter the results. For example, the following ipmctl show command displays the DimmHandle and DimmUID properties for two modules with IDs of 0x0001 and 0x1001:

    $ ipmctl show -d DimmHandle,DimmUID -dimm 0x0001,0x1001



The DimmHandle is equivalent to the DimmUID and is formatted as 0xABCD, where A, B, C, and D are defined as follows:

  • A = Socket

  • B = Memory Controller

  • C = Channel

  • D = Slot


The DimmUID is a unique identifier specific to each physical module. The unique identifier of an Intel Optane DC persistent memory module is formatted as VVVV-ML-MMYYSNSNSNSN or VVVV-SNSNSNSN (if the manufacturing information is not available) where:

  • VVVV = VendorID

  • ML = Manufacturing Location

  • MMYY = Manufacturing Date

  • SNSNSNSN = Serial Number

Last updated

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